Performance Review

All organisations are monitored by the Commissioner (and his staff) and are sent individual Annual Performance Reviews in May/June, reporting on their compliance during the previous year - April to March.   These Reviews consider a variety of roadwork indicators produced from data embedded in the Scottish Road Works Register (SRWR) and include:-

            Administrative Functions;

            Works planning and Operational Functions;

            Inspection Data and

            Miscellaneous items ( Fixed Penalty Notices / Area RAUC Attendance / Vault Submissions ).

In addition, organisations which fail to maintain the required standard, to ensure that roadworks are being organised, managed and delivered in a safe and consistent manner, with respect to current legislation and ‘Codes of Practice’, maybe placed on an Scottish Road Works Commissioner (SRWC) Improvement Plan. 

The Improvement Plan process involves increased scrutiny, the production of monthly updates and may require senior executives/managers of the defaulting organisation to meet on a regular basis with The Commissioner.  These meetings will form the basis of a strategy to deliver a standard which is both acceptable and achievable.

Systematic failure can lead to the issuing of financial penalties – currently £100,000 as per T(S)A 2019

The Commissioner and his staff are available to discuss any aspect of your performance and please feel free to contact the office using